Saturday 13 November 2010

Gadang, West Sumatra Traditional House

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History of North Sumatra

North Sumatra was born April 15, 1948 with the region includes three residency, ie, Aceh, East Sumatra, and Tapanuli. Its capital was not yet in Medan, but in Kutaraja, now Banda Aceh. Governor of North Sumatra who first occupied by Mr.. S.M. Amen.

Based on archaeological findings, North Sumatra is known inhabited since the time of Mesolitikum. Residents referred to as the Austro Melanesoid, many inhabit estuaries. In 2000 BC, North Sumatra is inhabited by people from Proto Malays and later inhabited by people too Deutro Malays who came from southern regions of China.

At the beginning of AD era, residents of North Sumatra have formed a trading relationship with the people of India and China. Around the year 775 AD, North Sumatra, including in the territory of the kingdom of Srivijaya. Government of the Kingdom with the system in North Sumatra appeared in the 15th century, namely the emergence of the Kingdom of Nagur, Aru, Panai, and Batangiou. At one point, there was a battle between the Kingdom Nagur and Kerajaa Batangiou which was won by Royal Nagur. Since the victory in the war, became the ruler of the kingdom Nagur Simalungun.

In the 16th century, in Tapanuli emerged a kingdom that was founded by descendants Sisingamangaraja, namely the Kingdom of Batak. The kingdom was then covers all Tapanuli, to Angloka, Mandailing, and Dairi. Meanwhile, on the eastern seaboard of North Sumatra, there is a great kingdom called the Kingdom of Aru. Territory covers a vast area, from the border of Aceh up to the mouth of the river Barumun, covering area Langkat, Deli Serdang, shavings, and Labuhan Batu.

Third kingdom above, namely, Nagur, Batak, and Aru continuously involved competition for hegemony in the region of North Sumatra. The power of the Kingdom of Nagur increasingly widespread, covering the countryside Asahan, Serdang Hulu, Tanah Karo came into the country Gayo top, covering the entire northern hinterland of North Sumatra. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Batak (Sisingamangaraja) memperluah influence throughout Tapanuli, some areas in Karo land, even then seize Simalungun territory previously under the authority of the Kingdom of Nagur. While the Kingdom of Aru, when it received threats from three power bedar in the Strait of Malacca, namely, Aceh, Portuguese, and Johor. To avoid the threat, the center of the Kingdom of Aru was moved to the countryside, which is at Deli Tua, now the region of about ten kilometers from Medan.

Effect of Aceh to North Sumatra entered the 17th century. A commander of Aceh named Gocah Hero Deli dating to the Old and married with a daughter Wan Baluan from Sunggal. Heroes is a lower Gocah kings and kings Deli Serdang. In 1669, several eastern seaboard of North Sumatra seized by Siak. Siak then formulate the rule of the rules of the Minangkabau.

In the 19th century, the Dutch influence began to enter. on February 1, 1859, Siak signed significant agreements with the Netherlands. It is a recognition of the ruler of Siak that area included in the Dutch power. Holland is also permissible to build bases in Bengkalis and areas were deemed appropriate. Holland is also permissible, if necessary, citing the tax in the areas of power Siak.

Holland then appoint a Resident Assistant in Siak. Dutch power when it covers the entire colony Siak, namely the eastern seaboard of Sumatra. Meanwhile, in the western coastal region of North Sumatra, Dutch power started to go since the end of the Padri War in West Sumatra. For inland hobo land area, the grip of Dutch rule marked by a "treaty of copper". Agreements that contain requests for assistance from Mandailing Gedombang king of the Netherlands to face the Padri. With this agreement, the Dutch began to stick its influence in the interior of North Sumatra. In addition, the Dutch also attacked and memduduki Nias Island in 1863.

In 1834, the Dutch established the Residency Tapanuli. Prefecture centers located in four regions Sibolga and control section, namely, Sibolga en Omstreken, Angkola en Sipirok, Batakladen, and Nias. On March 1, 1887, the Dutch established residency in East Sumatra. Residency is based in Medan, East Sumatra, consisting of four regional department, namely, Deli Serdang, Simalungun and Karolanden, Langkat, and shavings.

The expansion of Dutch rule, it causes a lot of people's resistance. However, all the resistance is not well organized and always within a small force so that the Netherlands is able to reduce all resistance. New look fierce resistance when the Dutch to expand its power into the countryside, namely, land Batak. Resistance led by Sisingamangaraja XII. Resistance is widespread, except at Toba, also reached the regional powers such as the Southeast Aceh Sisingamangaraja, Dairi, Pakpak, Karo, Simalungun, and south of Toba. Resistance Sisingamangaraja lasted 30 years, from 1877 until 1907. Having crushed the resistance Sisingamangaraja this, the Dutch already in full control of North Sumatra.

Resistance to the Dutch began to appear again in the early 20th century. This time the movement is more politically and mobilized by an educated figures like Tan Malaka, Dr. Pirngadi and Adenan Nur Lubis. At that time, many emerging political organizations that some of them are branches of organizations based in Jakarta. They are Sarekat Ilam, PNI, Gerindo, Partindo, Al Jami'atul Washliyah, NU, Muhammadiyah, and other movements organiasi's organizations.

In Tapanuli there are also religious organizations, especially ecclesiastical coming into this area since the 19th century. The influence of nationalism began to be felt in the church around the year 1930. Some Batak people who joined in criticizing the association Hatopan Batak Christian church is still led by foreigners.

On March 13, 1942, Japanese troops entered the field. They then occupied the Grand Mosque to be a fortress. In a time of increasing, the Japanese troops to occupy key cities in North Sumatra. Kings in North Sumatra and then ordered to assist the implementation of various policies the Japanese government. Japan ruled in North Sumatra arbitrarily, and suffering to the people. Among the policies that suffering to the people is Romusha. Romusha aims to mobilize the entire people to assist the Japanese in defense development in Southeast Asia. Many of the romusha was sent overseas to Burma, Thailand and elsewhere for the purpose of forced and inhuman.

Two days after Japan surrendered to the allies, namely pada17 August 1945, Indonesia proclaimed its independence. At the beginning of this independence, including North Sumatra province in Sumatra. As described above, on April 15, 1948, North Sumatra formed by region includes three residency, ie, Aceh, East Sumatra, and Tapanuli.

On October 3, 1945, Dr. F. Lumbantobing appointed as resident Tapanuli. Next step is the formation of KNI across the region accompanied by the formation of the Youth of the Republic of Indonesia (GOI). In the three months to commemorate the proclamation of independence, tapatnya October 17, 1945, in Tarutung made public meeting dihariri by all local people. On that occasion, the people say the pledge allegiance to the government of the Republic of Indonesia.

In the era of RIS, North Sumatra identity is lost because the area included in the State of East Sumatra. On August 15, 1950, after the return of the RI of the RIS form to NKRI, North Sumatra province re-formed with the region includes three residency, ie, Aceh, East Sumatra, and Tapanuli with established as the capital of Medan. A. The Governor is the first definitive The judge who later replaced in 1953 by Mr. S.M. Amen. In 1956, stand alone as a province of Aceh, North Sumatra thus only covers the territory of East Sumatra and Tapanuli. The condition of this region remain to this day. In this 1956 BC. Amin was replaced by St. Kumala Pontas governor who served until 1960.
Until the early formation of the New Order regime, North Sumatra is still preoccupied with conflicts both vertical ataupu horizontal. As a result of the conflict, four the next governor can not do development. They are the Lord King Lopez (1960-1963), Eny Karim (1963-1963), Ulung Sitepu (1963-1965), and PR Telaumbanua (1965-1967). New regional development can be done in the New Order era. Governors who served first in the New Order era was Brig Marah Halim Harahap (1967-1978). The next governor is Maj. E.W.P. Tambunan (1978-1983), Major General Kaharuddin Nasution (1983-1988), Major General King inal Siregar (1988-1998), Major General Teungku Rizal Nurdin (1998-2005), Rudolf Pardede (2005-2008), and Syamsul Arifin (2008 - 2013).

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