Tuesday 16 February 2016


dance Remo is a welcome dance typical of East Java INDONESIA CAPITAL SURABAYA, CITY OF HEROES depicting the dynamic character of East Java. Areas that use this dance including Surabaya, Jombang, Malang, and Situbondo.This dance is packaged as an illustration of the courage of a prince who fought in a battle. Hence the much needed masculinity dancers in this dance performance. Tahun1900 promoted dance around this, once used by Indonesian nationalists to communicate to the public.When remo danced always accompanied by gamelan music in a gending comprising bonang, saron, xylophone, gender, slentem, zither, flute, percussion, kenong, kempul and gongs and rhythm slendro. Usually use Cadence gending jula-July Suroboyo tropongan. Remo dance can be danced with stylish woman or man style, both displayed simultaneously or alternately. Usually this dance in the show as the opening of the art ludruk dance or wayang kulit.Clothing worn each region in East Java untu remo has unique dance. Surabayaan style or also Sawunggaling, dancers dressed in costume consisting of a black top that presents clothes 18th century, black velvet trousers with gold ornaments and batik. There is a belt at the waist and a dagger. On the right thigh there shawl hung down to her ankles. While the female dancer wearing a bun in her hair

While clothing styles Malangan coinciding with Surabayan style fashion, but the difference that the long pants to touch the ankle and not embeddable with a needle. Clothing style Jombangan basically the same as Sawunggaling style, but the difference is that the dancers do not use socks but using vest. Another one is the daughter of fashion remong. This dress is different from the style of the original remong. Dancers wear a bun, wearing a black mekak to cover the chest, wearing a swamp to close the waist down to the knees, and using only one shawl are pinned on his shoulders.

Smart footwork and dynamic into the most important characteristics

This movement is supported by the bells mounted on the ankle. The bell sounds when dancers stepped or stomping on the stage. In addition, other characteristics of the movement of a shawl or sampur, nod and shake head movements, facial expressions, and the horses are dancers make this dance more attractive. Although dance remong dance that was once used as an opener in the show ludruk. But over time, the function of any remong dance moves from the show opener ludruk, became a dance welcoming guests, especially guests statehood.

In addition, dance remong also often featured in local arts festival in an effort to preserve the culture of East Java. Because it is now not only a remo dance performed by male dancers, but also by the female dancers. So it now appears types of dance remong daughter. In remong daughter dance performances, generally the dancers will wear different costumes dance costumes dance original remo performed by male dancers

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