Sunday 21 November 2010


There are many different kinds of traditional arts in every state. In Indonesia especially in Java, there is a traditional art that has a unique dish. It's called performance art tradition of wayang kulit.

Shadow puppets is one of the performing arts are very popular and preferred by various layers of society, especially Java, has even gained recognition as a world cultural masterpieces (Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity), which was approved by UNESCO on November 7, 2003.
The bulk of the story raised in the Wayang Kulit performances sourced from the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata (from India) which is processed, updated and adapted to the customs and views of Javanese culture.
Puppet show is a form of traditional Javanese culture is unique and full of philosophy of life, values that highlight moral subtlety, simplicity, honesty, loyalty and attitude of heroism and chivalry. Besides, the story Wayang Kulit is also loaded with advice of counsel's personal construct a more positive direction and build the nation's moral values.
Philosophy of life, values are usually stated in the form of symbols, as in the puppet picture, language or stories used in Wayang Kulit performance. The symbols used in a puppet that's what a puppeteer as a medium of learning from one generation to the next generation.

Wayang Kulit very closely in the life of Javanese society, and therefore accustomed to hold the Javanese Wayang Kulit performances to commemorate or celebrate important events in the phase of their lives, for example, namely: child birth, marriage and death warnings. Wayang Kulit performances are often held as a form of gratitude.
Puppet show also has an important role in religious rituals of Javanese society. Almost all villages in Central Java and East Java in a year once held a Wayang Kulit performances to honor and pray for their ancestors.
Religious rituals that involve media Wayang Kulit performances can also be found in the event Ruwatan. Ruwatan is a magical ceremony which aims to get rid of bad luck and erase the sins of the past.
According to historical data, puppet show has been in Java since the 11th century. At first, puppet show is part of religious rituals of Javanese society. However, over development of the era, leather puppet show has turned into a performing arts as well as a medium of moral education as well as entertainment media

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Kelahiran Wayang Kulit

  About the birth of cultural puppets, Ir. Sri Mulyono in his symbolism and mysticism in the Puppet (1979), estimates that wayang exis...