Sunday 5 December 2010

DANCE developments JAIPONG

Work Jaipongan first began to be known by the public is dance "Leaves Pulus Keser Bojong" and "Rendeng Bojong" both of which are types of dance girls and dance in pairs (boys and girls). From the dance that emerged a few names that are reliable Jaipongan dancers like Tati Saleh, Yeti Mamat, Eli Somali, and Pepen Dedi Kurniadi. Early emergence of the dance had become a conversation, the central issue is the movement of the erotic and vulgar. But from the few print media exposure, name Gugum Gumbira becoming known society, especially after the dance Jaipongan in 1980 staged at the central station TVRI Jakarta. The impact of the popularity of the more increases the frequency of performances, both in the medium of television, a celebration or celebrations held by the private sector and government. 
Attendance Jaipongan significant contribution towards the instigators of the art of dance to more actively explore the types of folk dances that were previously less attention. With the emergence of dance Jaipongan, used by activists to organize dance courses dance Jaipongan, used also by businessmen pubs as a decoy night invited guests, where the further development of this kind of business opportunities created by the instigators of dance as an economic empowerment efforts by Dance Studio names or groups in some areas of West Java, for example in Subang with Jaipongan style "kaleran" (north).
Typical Jaipongan kaleran style, which is fun, erotic, humorous, excitement, spontaneity, and simplicity (naturally, whatever they are). This was reflected in the pattern of presentation of dance on the show, there is a given pattern (Ibing pattern) as in art Jaipongan in Bandung, also there are also dances that are not dipola (Ibing Saka), for example in art Jaipongan Subang and Karawang. This term can be found in Jaipongan kaleran style, especially in the area of Subang. In the presentation, this kaleran Jaipongan style, as follows: 1) Tatalu; 2) Flower Gadung; 3) Fruit Kawung Gopar; 4) Dance Opening (Ibing Pattern), usually performed by a single dancer or Sinden Tatandakan (sinden attack but can not sing but dance songs sinden / interpreter kawih); 5) Jeblokan and Jabanan, is part performance when the audience (Bajidor) Sawer money (jabanan) while greeting paste. Jeblokan term is defined as couples who settled between sinden and the audience (Bajidor).

Further development occurred in taahun dance Jaipongan 1980-1990's, where Gugum Gumbira create another dance such as Toka-toka, Setra Sari, Sonteng, Pencug, Heron dazed, motorcade procession Leaf-Puring, Rawayan, and Dance Kawung Anten. From these dances appear some skilled dancers Jaipongan include Iceu Effendi, Yumiati Mandiri, Miming Mintarsih, Nani, Erna, Mira Tejaningrum, Ine Dinar, Ega, Nuni, Cepy, Agah, Aa Suryabrata, and Asep.
Today the dance Jaipongan be called as one of identity keseniaan West Java, this is apparent on several important events relating to visitors from foreign countries who came to West Java, it was greeted with Jaipongan dance performances. Similarly, with art missions to foreign countries, always equipped with a dance Jaipongan. Dance Jaipongan affect many other crafts in the community of West Java, both on the art of wayang, gamelan, Genjring / Terbangan, Kacapi jaipong, and almost all public performances as well as on modern dangdut music which collaborated with the art Jaipong Pong-Dut. Jaipongan which has diplopori by Mr. Nur & Leni

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